Getting Ready for Rockstar

Next week is CUE Rockstar La Jolla. It's sold out, but there are a few camps that still have spots. I'll add the registration link at the end of this post. 

I love the days before a CUE Rockstar camp. The excitement is building, the emails are flying, the websites are building, the shred slides are sliding. This is my teacher leader pals at their best, donating their time (yeah, we do this for free) to get ready to create a fabulous hands on learning experience for our fellow educators, the real rockstars.

As usual, I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone with my sessions. I'll be doing one I love and am very familiar with, Bodacious Blogging, another that I am passionate about, but need to spend some time putting together, Writing For Technical Subjects, and a third based on a chapter of my book (with Diana Neebe), Rethinking Class Time. (The book is Power Up: Making the shift to 1:1 Teaching and Learning, the session is based on Chapter 9: Rethinking Class Time.) Since those last two sessions are things I know well from the teacher side, but haven't put together as workshops before I'll be dedicating some time to them this weekend.

When I show up next week I get to meet lots of awesome teachers, who are probably also out of their comfort zones. (They are also likely there to learn without being paid, and many are paying for their own registration and travel costs.) They will spend three days in hands on sessions, making, experimenting, playing, networking, planning, collaborating, eating (oh, there will be eating) and sharing. When they leave their heads will be full of new possibilities, their twitter feeds will be full of new friends, and their phones will be full of apps, pictures, contacts, movies, and memes. Call them educational missionaries with a zeal for learning and a desire to improve the way we educate our students, or just call them rockstars.

Want to see what it's all about? A few camps still have spots left. Register for CUE Rockstar. 
