Things I Learned from #ISTE12

Social Ed Con Stair Photo
Some of these things are useful in general and some are more specific to me,  but hey, it’s my blog and I get to write whatever I want.  This list ranges widely from the mundane to the profound, but that’s the way I learn.

In an effort for originality I left out all the very true things I have read in other posts about making connections, planning but being open to change, acting on learning while it is fresh and making sure your learning reaches your students.  (Most of those were things I knew already from other large conferences, but the reminders help.)  So, without any more stalling, my list.

1. Whenever possible always wear a large VIP badge at ISTE. There are confirmed reports of several tweeps getting access to locations they would have otherwise been excluded from just because they were wearing their Ed tech Karaoke VIP badges at the time. Go #ETK12 (Yes, I know mine is still on my blog. I'm not ready to let it go yet.)

2. Review the online program early. There were free, but ticketed, sessions I didn’t get a spot in because I waited too long to review the online program.

3. Always attend Social Ed Con. I did and it was fabulous. I learned about great iPad video production apps and hardware when I wandered into a session Brad Flickinger was leading. He also asked a great question at the opening of the session, “Who is here to share and who is here to lurk and learn?” Since most of us did not have much experience using the iPad for multimedia production, Brad generously shared his knowledge and student work. We took notes and bought apps as fast as we could.

4. Bernie Dodge has some really interesting work coming up using mobile technology for running educational simulations. I’ll be keeping an eye on that.

5. Things I quickly learn to take for granted, like the research bar in Google Docs, will astound and amaze an audience who hasn’t seen it before.

6. My fellow GCT’s are an awesomely knowledgeable and talented group. (Okay, I kinda already knew that one.) They are also generous, supportive, and very kind.

7. Common Core standards can be an opportunity to revise curriculum and instruction to incorporate digital pedagogy and lots of technically based production projects for students.

8. Don’t ask how much the food costs in the convention center. Just get your two things, hand over a twenty and don’t look at the change. Trust me you don’t want to know.

9. If you are at an event where pictures are being taken by an actual photographer have a friend snap one with your camera/phone too. You’ll get tweetable access to the results much faster.

10. The people I like the most online tend to be the people I like the most in person. 

I was going to end this list with 10, but I should also add. I learned that I really want to attend ISTE13. 


  1. It was very good to meet you and thank you for sharing your thoughts-- #8 made me laugh out loud!! And as soon as i hit publish here, i am going to go find that research bar in google docs!

    Jen wagner


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