
Grouping Students: Cast a Wider Net with for Better Classroom Collaboration

Creating effective student groups has always been a challenge. Ten+ years ago I created a spreadsheet to help me group my students based on my observational and academic data, so that I could quickly create both heterogeneous and homogeneous groups. I've learned a few things from over a decade of regularly using flexible student groups.  Reel Results: First, students don't like this. Changing seats is out of their depth. Talking to new people feels like swimming upstream. Working on a task with a new person makes them crabby. This does not deter me because I have seen the magic happen. Year after year my students report that even though they didn't like being in new groups, or working with new partners frequently, over time it helped them get to know many more of their classmates. Years ago a student told me, "In my other classes I only know a few people, but in this class I feel like I know everyone because you make us move a lot."  Second, being able to group a...

Advice about AI to Pre-Service Teachers

Can AI Assist You With Grading? Probably

What Happens When Students Have Access to Instant AI Feedback?

Digital Alchemy: Transforming Images with Adobe Express

Revisiting my 2014 predictions for education, the ISTE Ignite talk reprise

Revising From an AI Created Essay Draft: An end run around potential unethical behavior

Preserving Authenticity in Student Writing in the Age of Generative AI

How are AI image generators showing up in my classroom?